Amber Red


Tea: Amber Red (black tea)

Grower: Hariyali Cooperative

Tea Maker: Hariyali Cooperative

Origin: Jasbirey Village - Ilam, Nepal

Elevation: 1,600m (5,200ft)

Cultivation: Natural (Organic, but no certification)

Harvest Date: June 2016 - Second Flush

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Amber Red is a roasted black tea with sweet, full flavors. The tea is handpicked, rolled, and fully oxidized. It is then roasted twice during the finishing process, resulting in a cup with almost no astringency or dryness. This is because roasting decreases the amount of caffeine and bitterness in tea.

This 2016 harvest combines the decadent milk chocolate profile of the 2014 Amber Red with the floral and fruity nuances of the 2015. The teamakers at Hariyali Cooperative have become very consistent, and the leaf standard is better than ever.

Notes of milk chocolate, sweet potato and white grape. The aftertaste is incredibly sweet and thick for a black tea.

The tea leaves and liquor have a deep, lush fragrance, like radishes and flowers, that is characteristic of Nepal's high-altitude teas. The garden where the tea plants is teeming with native plants, mosses, and bugs, demonstrating incredible fertility and soil health.

Learn about the people behind this tea: Hariyali Cooperative

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Recommended Brewing Instructions: 2tsp (~4g) per 250ml cup.
Brew for 1-2 minutes.

- 195F for a softer, sweeter profile with caramel and sweet potato notes and dried fruit undertones.

- 205F for a full-flavored, sharper profile with molasses, malt, and sweet potato flavors with a hint of caramelized sugar and grapes.

This tea can be rebrewed up to 4 times, with hotter water and longer infusions.


FlavorVotesAvg Strength
Char::Roast Nuts12.0
Earthy::Earth::Wet Earth12.0
Sweet::Burnt Sugar13.0
Overall Score: 80.5 (1 review)
Top Leaf Aromas: Fruit::Tree Fruit::Cherry (1x),
Top Liquor Flavors: Char::Roast Nuts (1x), Earthy::Earth::Dirt (1x), Earthy::Earth::Wet Earth (1x),
This chart illustrates tasting notes most identified and their respective intensities (referring to Tea Cupping Standards by World of Tea).

Contact the Grower

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Amber Red

Inventory: 19.00 lbs

Hariyali Cooperative

Region: Jasbirey, Ilam, Nepal