Hemp Tisane


Tea: Hemp Tisane

Grower: Forbidden Fruit

Origin: Humboldt County, Nevada, USA

Cultivation: Natural (Not certified, no chemicals)

Harvest Date: January 2019

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This January 2019 harvest of hemp flower is tested less than the limit of quantification for THC. It is a licensed product with a third party COA containing full analysis that will be delivered with the tea.

Offer a unique and relaxing tea experience for your customers with this Hemp flower. It's flavor and texture alone is enough for a refreshing and calming tisane or may be blended with other ingredients to make a unique experience.

Most of the harvest is dedicated for isolate production for the pharmaceutical industry. The grower has made a limited lot of the highest quality flower product available for the Tealet network so high quality tea vendors may start to finding application for hemp flower to be enjoyed as nuanced connoisseur product.

Flavor notes of this tisane are citrus with light toasted sugar notes. Texture is light and refreshing with a slight oily finish.

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Recommended Brewing Instructions:

Standard Style: Use 2tsp (~3g) per 250ml cup. Brew for 2 minutes.

- 175F for a sweeter, lighter profile with more chestnut notes.

- 185F for a more buttery, vegetal profile.

This tea can be rebrewed up to 4 times, with hotter water and longer infusions.


(no reviews)
This chart illustrates tasting notes most identified and their respective intensities (referring to Tea Cupping Standards by World of Tea).

Contact the Grower

Contact us to schedule an online meetup with this grower.

Forbidden Fruit

Region: Humboldt County, Nevada, USA